Sunday, August 21, 2016

An Incredible Heritage

When we are young, whatever family scenario we are born into seems like the norm.  It is only upon growing up and seeing the world from many perspectives do we learn that family has many connotations and takes on many different designs.  Our first definition of family forms around us from a very young age.  In my early world, family encompassed quite a large group of people.  It included Grandparents, great Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, great Aunts and Uncles and cousins of the first, second, and third generation.  It was an incredible heritage of a large and loving family circle that provided me with incredible roots and stability.  I have always known so much love throughout my life and only now as I am in “mid-life” do I fully understand the incredible blessing of such a heritage.  In having to face the very sad experience of letting go of a beloved cousin, I was reminded that we are rich in so many ways.  We were all sad and hurting at this loss, but we were all there together, loving on each other, holding each other up, sharing memories, and sharing the love that is our heritage.  I know that my cousin Beth would have loved the gathering yesterday because she so loved family.  What a tribute to Beth that she brought us all together and reminded us of the incredible heritage of love that we have as a family.  It was a gift in the midst of such sadness and one that I want to do a better job of treasuring in the future.  To my family circle that has loved me and supported me all of my life, I love you and I am so grateful for the comfort and love of each of you as we do this thing called "life" together.

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