Sunday, June 16, 2013

Alone in a room full of people...

Have you ever felt alone in a room full of people?  It is a regular occurrence for me.  My whole life I have always felt as though I just didn't fit in.  It has been a long time since I had a "bestie" that I talked to on the phone every day and shared all of my secrets with.  While my husband is a best friend, there are just too many things that he is a man about when it comes to understanding the complexities of the female world.  Emotion drives him crazy and tears are not one of his favorite things.  So I go back to trying to figure out what it is that makes me feel alone?  I have tons of people who would say they are "friends" of mine, but I am very rarely the one that someone calls when they need or want a friend to share things with.  Am I too guarded?  Am I too outspoken?  Am I always trying to fix things instead of just listening?  What is it that makes me the one who has a room full of acquaintances, but still a feeling of being very alone?  Do I put off an air of being over confident, because in truth I am very insecure.  I am really striving to figure it out because I see my girls doing some of the same things and I wonder if it is my example they are following.  Wishing I had a bestie about share these crazy feelings with.

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